Think Tank 2022 Forum

Utilizing online forums, webinars and strategic discussions, world leaders and influencers are joining a global network of experts to examine all aspects of a peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula.

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We know that strong families, education, equality under the law, and a recognition of the dignity and worth of every human life, born and unborn, is the true foundation of national greatness. These are the values that have united the people of Korea and the United States for nearly 70 years.

Hon. Mike Pence
Former U.S. Vice President (2017-2021)

A Worldwide Network

Featuring hundreds of experts from around the world representing government, civil society, faith-based organizations, NGOs, the media, academia, and the arts and culture

Mapping a strategy

Addressing dozens of issues, such as economics, trade, food security, health care, the role of China, communications, denuclearization, international relations, and cultural and sports exchanges.

As a Korean, I would like to thank the world’s top experts for launching Think Tank 2022... This network will make a difference for peace on the Korean peninsula through international unity.

Hon. Ban Ki-moon
UN Secretary General (2007-2016) & Think Tank 2022 Chairman